As some of you may probably know (or not

If there are any people in this case with interest, just post here and tell what you have experience in, what you would like to do (type of cars, skins...). My idea is the following: help people who would like to start a car/series or skin to find people with similar interest to come together and give them the info they need/help to realize their project. In the future, I also plan to release a tutorial on car creation explaining various aspects of it in detail with a step by step guide to create your first boxy car. For the moment various reasons delay the project but it is there and it will come I promise but as some things may change in the future I might need to wait still for a little while for the graphical part (for the physics though there will be the release of a spreadsheet soon, it just needs final polishing and debugging).
Last but not least: for all of you who might be interested without particular graphics or physics skills, don't worry, we all started with simple stuff. In fact SD is even probably the best sim to start modding. As everything is open, one can find the info in the code. And in any case you can post your questions in a thread and the community will help

Now that I have a more in depth understanding of the underlaying physics engine I can tell you it is serious stuff, maybe not the latest but still good enough for us to enjoy it and in terms of graphics there is planty of action behind the scenes. I really hope to kickstart something with this thread (and it might be a good idea for tracks too, there are very talented guys out there ! but unfortunately I am not experienced with tracks).