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Speed Dreams Community • View topic - Looking for cars

Looking for cars

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Looking for cars

Postby samjru » Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:53 pm

I'm looking for cars like,

BMW M3 E30, Zakspeed Escort from 1975, or Capri from 1978.
Are these avaible?
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Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:49 pm

Re: Looking for cars

Postby jjsca » Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:05 pm

Hello samjru,

I have looked abit around and I have not been able to find those cars. These aren't in the official sets either, so I guess these have not been reproduced yet, or anyone else has found these ? As of today SD is still under heavy developpment and there not many guys creating content so not all cars are reproduced, but I take note of your suggestions. I also like these cars a lot and maybe will have a go at these in the future.

I have a lot of stuff in the pipeline, but at some point my plan is to go all over the place with content to test the physics parameters for as many categories as possible (to give example tires or aero for modders) and in that phase, group 5 and Gr A cars are of course very welcome and high up the ranking.

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Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:28 pm

Re: Looking for cars

Postby samjru » Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:26 pm


how does it look with group C Cars like Porsche 956 or 962, or formula 2 cars (March BMW). I think there are also many fans about these cars.
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Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:49 pm

Re: Looking for cars

Postby jjsca » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:20 pm


Well same for these, at one point these wil probably make it ingame. Unfortunately though with only a few guys working on content (1 3D modeler and 1 2D graphics expert in the dev team) this might take a bit of time though, if the community feels like it they could give us a push. Don't worry, my wishlist is quite long too and there are quite a few animals you could like:

- Group 5 field
- Group C field
- End of 1960 / beginning of 1970 Prototypes (canam too)
- 1985+ / 1995 IMSA GTO cars
- GT1 Car field (based on existing one but with latest physics and graphics)
- GT2 (same as above)
- GT3
- LMP1 /LMP2
- Formula 3
- GP3
- GP2
- DTM (modern but also classic)
- Porsche GT3 Cup car
- Clio cup or similar
- Touring cars (WTCC, BTCC...)
- Classic F1 cars
- Hillclmib prototypes (Osella PA9/90, Osella PA20...)
- Champcars
- Brazilian stockcars
And the list goes on ....

Unfortunately with such a list and 2 hands only it will hard to get everything quickly. You know it takes along time to create a car, from the reference gathering (and sometimes this is very difficult) to an ingame car there might be 3-6 months as we are not pros and only working on our spare time. But there is hope, unlike other commerical stuff, you can actually help doing the cars and accelerate the process. That is why I asked in another thread who would be interested in making stuff.

I know it may be frustrating to have to wait, but we are doing our best to keep it up and deliver, but there is a lot of work and we all are not pros so we can't work 100% and have the same kind of pace commercial softwares have. The only way we could get that kind of pace is by building up a modding community but therefore we need to finish and test what is being developped and then build the tools and documentation first (all of it is in progress and steadily being worked on).
Don't worry at some point we will have these cars.

Posts: 73
Joined: Sat Aug 03, 2013 9:28 pm

Re: Looking for cars

Postby samjru » Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:10 pm

Thanks a lot for these informations,

and thank you for your work. When I can help you by testing, please contact me.

Regards SAMJRU
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:49 pm

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