How enable capture ?

I don't understand how to enable capture.
In /usr/local/share/games/speed-dreams-2/config/raceengine.xml
I modify no to yes :
<section name="Movie Capture">
<attstr name="enable capture" in="yes,no" val="yes"/>
<attnum name="fps" val="25"/>
<attstr name="output directory" val="captures"/>
The capture folder exist : ~/.speed-dreams-2/captures
But when i press "c" during a game, the folder captures stay empty
I try to modify [..]/speed-dreams-svn/data/config/raceengine.xml before build and compil but no change
An external apps is necessary ?
On my PC FFmpeg is installed and screencast work
Thanks for your answers
I don't understand how to enable capture.
In /usr/local/share/games/speed-dreams-2/config/raceengine.xml
I modify no to yes :
<section name="Movie Capture">
<attstr name="enable capture" in="yes,no" val="yes"/>
<attnum name="fps" val="25"/>
<attstr name="output directory" val="captures"/>
The capture folder exist : ~/.speed-dreams-2/captures
But when i press "c" during a game, the folder captures stay empty
I try to modify [..]/speed-dreams-svn/data/config/raceengine.xml before build and compil but no change
An external apps is necessary ?
On my PC FFmpeg is installed and screencast work
Thanks for your answers