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Speed Dreams Community • View topic - Oversteer, a graphic utility to configure Wheels on Linux

Oversteer, a graphic utility to configure Wheels on Linux

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Oversteer, a graphic utility to configure Wheels on Linux

Postby leillo1975 » Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:22 am


In past I talked about PyLinuxWheel in this forum post ( viewtopic.php?f=3&t=124985 ) . Whith this utility you can change easily the range in Logitech Wheels on Linux.

Some months ago, another member of our JugandoEnLinux.com community create a more advanced application, Oversteer ( https://github.com/berarma/oversteer ) to make this work, but with more features like game profiles, emulation modes, combine pedals or automatic install of permanent udev rules to avoid entering password each time you want to modify some setting. You also can easily test your axis and buttons using JStest pusing a button on app.

I think that this app is very useful to play Speed Dreams. For example, I use a 360º range in my G29 wheel to play Speed Dreams. G29 default range is 900º, and with this software I can easily create a profile called "Speed Dreams" with this setting for quick use.


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Re: Oversteer, a graphic utility to configure Wheels on Linu

Postby leillo1975 » Thu Oct 03, 2019 8:42 am

Some days ago Oversteer was updated and this are the changes ( https://github.com/berarma/oversteer/releases/tag/0.3.1 ) :

Added autocenter strength and FF gain settings:
-Games without FF can be more pleasant to play with autocentering.
-FF gain can change the global strength of the effects for games that lack this setting.

As you can see, a very useful tool for all the Logitech Wheel Linux owners
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