Just about everyone said, “Chad, please make a '41 Oldsmobile, we love the thrill of a straight 8 coupled with a two speed hydromatic transmission, and that art-deco styling; no motor-sport sim is complete without one, please make one, please!” So I did … actually nobody asked for a '41 Olds, but I wanted to experiment a little bit. This car incorporates several experiments, some worked, some didn't. You'll probably get a laugh when you discover the driver's severed arms. Maybe one of these days I'll drop in a supercharged 455 and make a drag car out of it; it'd make a nice gasser.

Deckard Hydra:
Created by: chad3006 with various bits from SD-cars
Category: Preview
Based on: 1941 Oldsmobile
License: GNU Public License
Horse Power: 110 H.P.
Max Torque: 252 Nm @ 2300 rpm
Weight: 1492 Kg
Weight on Front: 55%
Drivetrain: RWD
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