MiniJoe is also working on a better track editor, maybe you could support each other or work together?
would be nice to have a better editor including heights, tangents, banking etc...
some ideas for nice-to-have features:
-smooth height profile and -tangents (i made myself a python script for this; don't think it is portable due to xml access, but maths is pretty simple)
-auto-generate banking (e.g. leave turns with radii > a flat, for tighter turns add (b/radius-b/a) banking, and smooth tangents afterwards, a and b being parameters)
-subdivide segment (often needed for changes in textures, barrier style, side width etc)
-auto-align start and end of the track (maybe just modifying chosen segments to keep the rest in shape)
-create height profile and tangents from height map
-WYSIWYG for chosen surfaces (asphalt, sand, barrier etc), or at least different colors for dirrefent surfaces
-place objects
-maybe some kind of management for objects and surfaces in the xml-file, associated files etc
sounds like a lot of work