by HyenaRacer45 » Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:40 pm
Sorry for the double post earlier but it seemed no one was reading the thread anymore. Still haven't gotten a definitive answer to my request, seriously willing to pay real money for the creation of some super insane high speed test tracks with left and right turns and insanely massive straights. MiniJoe you had spoke about playing with Simon's test track where do i get that? Also if you have a 19km version I would happily take that. It is at least a start, I can understand why your Intel HD integrated GPU craps out after 20km length, but if wouldn't mind I still would like track 36 to 55km long even if the frame rate lags terribly on your end, prolly won't be much better on my system as the Kabini platform by AMD sucks, plus TORCS and Speed Dreams use a terribly non optimized inefficient graphics engine written in straight old c/c++. (Next year and the year after 2015/2016, I am going to work on the following improvements to this game, brand new ioquake3 based render system, python replaces all c&c++ code for faster excution, brand new physics engine (don't worry still plan on using xml style system used currently just new backend code behind the xml input data.), Build your race car, (implement NFSU2/New3dNitroNation style decal system, paint system, parts system like NFS:U2/NN/RR(racerivals), tune and upgrade parts, then race, more tracks(62), insanely more cars (going for 200+) That is once I rebuild my coding machines with new parts. But for now I just have my little sputtering kabini laptop. Hence why worth money to me to have the super long tracks created for me until I can get resetup with my powerhouse coding machines. Also super wide (26+meters). Will check my email again for any responses there but seriously I want to take this game further into a more professional venue, but I need some super long tracks to push the limits of the physics engine to find all quirks and bugs to wipe them from the revision until the ultimate full replacement physics engine which is 17months away right now but the revision will be in half that time. I am not satisfied with simuv2, simuv2.1, or simuv4, they all kinda suck with the glitches I have encountered trying to create transhypercars (cars with ≧1385bhp/1120ft-lbs)(weighing 2170lbs-3190lbs)
as I have ended with cars bouncing around like a mexican jumping bean or shooting infinitely straight up in the air, plus I lost the ability to wheelstand like I could in torcs 1.3.1 and speed-dreams-2.0 now with torcs 1.3.4 and sd 2.1 no more wheelstands, I only get close with almost picking up the front wheels but not quite. These are issues I seriously want to fix in the physics engiine, for a much better gaming experience.