Hello,My name is Andrew,im a student in Romania at Brasov University and im developing my Bachelor Thesis.I want to connect your game with my program but i dont really know how(by that i mean the connection).
I know the the source files are somewhere in human\preferences.I open the Preferences.xml and there i searched for my controller(PS3)inputs to see if they are there and i found them.Till now all it's good.But how can i manange so my game will interact with my Program.
The program i speak is AMESim.There i have a model car with motor,battery etc.
I want that my acceleration and brake from the game to be exported to my program or in the reverse way(From program to the xml file(so to the game)).
I managed to modify an xml from a C# code.I use C# because AMESim talks very fast and very good with C#(i use imports DLL and such things)
But lets say that somehow i manage to get my info from AMESIM,put in in C#, then when i press a buttton the xml file from the game will be modified with the parameters i want from AMESim.Will that work?
It's a lil bit tricky and i dont really know how can i verify that.
Thank you for understanding and i hope you can help me.
I can put as a refference your game and website,but also if you could help me i could add an reference as the name of the person who helped me.
Please help me fellas!Thanks